Our impact The difference we make Public Benefit In Teapot Trust’s Constitution, we define our core charitable aims (our raison d’etre) and also explain the indirect, wider public benefit our work brings. As required by OSCR, there is a clear and demonstrable link between our charitable aims, our core services, and our public benefit. Examples of indirect public benefits which advance Teapot Trust’s charitable purposes are: Improved mental health We share a wealth of original [/Pages/Default.aspx?CategoryTitle=art-therapy-resources]Art Therapy Resources resource materials that are freely available. Improved public understanding We promote an improved public understanding of “invisible illness” by giving young people who live with its daily challenges a voice. Research to widen access Partnership research is active to bring a deeper understanding of why and how art therapy is an effective psychological tool so that it benefits can be made more widely available. Sharing our learnings with healthcare professionals We share our experience and learnings with other healthcare professionals so others supporting children’s health can benefit. Teapot Trust causes no ‘disbenefit’ (i.e.: detriment or harm) to the public. There is no ‘private benefit’ to anyone. The charity’s trustees are unpaid. No fees or charges apply to individuals. It is important to the charity that there are no barriers to access. For further information about Teapot Trust’s Public Benefit, please contact CEO, Sarah Randell on 0131 273 4340 or email [email protected]. Manage Cookie Preferences