Latest Updates A New Chapter Teapot Trust recently launched its refreshed logo and brand, as the charity looks forward to its 10th anniversary in November. Sarah Randell, CEO said: “Ten years on, the charity has grown significantly and the time is right for a brand refresh that captures our purpose, accessibility and child-focus. We swiftly adapted our face-to-face services so that we could continue supporting our service users online. Beyond the pandemic, we plan to continue supporting children and young people outside the hospital environment as well as within it. Our brand refresh feels timely as we begin a new chapter in our story - and hopefully another 10 years of making a difference to the lives of children living with long-term conditions.” Our original hand-drawn logo, used since the charity was established, had personal resonance for our founders who worked hard to build Teapot Trust. Ten years on, the charity has grown significantly. We’re at an exciting and pivotal point in our journey – shaped by and building on our heritage. It was important to retain the teapot, which the children and families we work with recognise and identify with. We’re often asked, “Why the teapot?” The ritual of making ‘proper’ tea, often accompanied by cake, was the means through which our founders encouraged their daughter to increase her fluid intake which was important due to the medication she was taking. Over time, the teapot came to symbolise support, comfort, friendship and respite. The children who use our services in hospitals often refer to our art therapists as “the teapot ladies” so it was important to retain the teapot, reimagined, in our brand refresh. We hope you like it! Manage Cookie Preferences