Why give regularly?

Teapot Trust has an unswerving belief in the power of art therapy to transform the lives of children and young people living with both chronic physical conditions and adverse mental health. This is only possible with the support of individuals so whether you’re a regular donor or a new friend, thank you!

Regular giving through doART provides steady and dependable income, month to month, enabling us to cover our costs – especially important in a volatile funding environment.  This means we can continue meeting the needs of children and young people in the knowledge we have sustainable funding to see them through their treatment.

92% of children say our non-invasive art therapy and creative interventions help them cope, feel better, and overcome suicidal thoughts

Our success story, in creating a national footprint for our work, is that some partner hospitals are now committing to their own in-house arts therapy provision.  It’s significant because it means we’ve demonstrated the value of our work conclusively and can now move on to meet the needs of more children, prioritising geographic areas where needs are greatest.

We’re calling on you to show generosity in helping Teapot Trust continue to be a pioneering force in arts and health for the benefit of thousands of children and young people living with both chronic conditions and adverse mental health. Your support will enable us to adapt to place and time with readiness for the future. 

What impact will my support have?

To better understand how your support will help, take a look at our testimonials and our annual review. One such example of the impact of your support is illustrated through Peter's story. Peter underwent art therapy after he was diagnosed with Juvenile Dermatomyositis which left him with no muscular strength, the inability to swallow, and a fear of hospital. Before art therapy, negative emotions and feelings of hopelessness consumed Peter's mind, and he created images filled with 'baddies' to reflect his feelings. After exploring his feelings through art, he started to bring his heroes to the forefront to conquer the baddies and negative thoughts that were consuming his mind following his diagnosis. We are calling on community heroes to help more children like Peter further their wellbeing through the provision of art therapy.

£38/month could provide enough money to completely fund a child-like Peter's 1:1 art therapy programme to break through some of the mental and physical struggles associated with their conditions

What’s appropriate for me?

We recognise that each individual has different means and motivations, so we’ve developed a simple supporter scheme that allows you to engage and contribute as you wish – while generating an important and regular source of income for Teapot Trust.

The choice is entirely yours when and how you give. We simply ask that you consider carefully what you can contribute. It would also be appreciated if you would review and renew your commitment annually. However, what matters most is that you feel good about the contribution you’re making.

How do set up a regular gift?

Signing up is easy! You can either set up a standing order online or in-store at your bank branch, or you can create your own regular direct debit directly through our donation page. To set up a regular payment, simply select or insert the amount you'd like to give, tick ‘Set up a regular payment’, and choose how often you'd like to donate and on what day you would like the donation to be made. 

For your past, present and future support, THANK YOU.