Louise Downing Louise has worked at Teapot Trust since May 2018. As Grants Manager, she takes a lead in researching trusts and foundations, planning and preparing applications, managing the funding pipeline, and in producing reports for funders. From her past experience, Louise brings a strong team approach and valuable insights into organisational operations. Louise previously delivered a national fundraising training programme at Arts & Business Scotland and she held cultural project management roles at Fife Council and Fife Cultural Trust. She is a qualified trainer and has served as Chair of the Volunteer Management Committee of Radio Lollipop Edinburgh and on the board of trustees at North Edinburgh Arts. Louise is married with a young family and works part-time (Tuesday-Thursday). She juggles her responsibilities with finesse and is supported by Sarah. [email protected] Office: 0131 273 4340 Mobile: 07542030470 Manage Cookie Preferences