Nicola and her furry friends Chico, Charlie, Benny, Jess, Sophie, and Oscar are taking on their own Challenge to support Teapot Trust. The incredible team will each be walking 300 miles over a course of 10 weeks! Read more about each Champion below. Well done Team Laggan and thank you!


Having suffered an ankle injury in the spring, I really learnt about how it felt to lose your mobility for a few months and the frustrations and limitations this placed on simple everyday tasks and being able to do things I enjoy like walking my dogs.

This really helped me to understand more how many of the children and young people coping with long term health conditions might feel at times. Except for many of these children, this is far more severe and even permanent, facing regular flares, gruelling treatment plans, and lots of worry. It was this experience that really made me want to take part in the Canine Challenge. I see this as part of my ongoing recovery plan, and I am very fortunate to have 6 furry four-legged friends to join me on this adventure!

Our team lives in Moray, Speyside, and our 6 lucky dogs have hill walks, beach walks, and river walks all near where they live. They all get along well; their favourite things are going for walks, swimming, eating bones, play fighting with one another, and being fussed over normally all at the same time! 

The 3 Labradors are related: Jess is mum to Charlie, and Benny and Jess are siblings.


Chico is a 4.5 year old cheeky black cocker spaniel. His nickname is ‘Boss Dog’ because he thinks he oversees everyone else. He loves going to the beach and swimming and collecting sticks. He can hide a stick on a walk and weeks later, will go and collect it!


Charlie takes on the Canine Challenge for Teapot Trust

Charlie the Labrador is 4 years old and a bit clumsy. He loves to eat anything, and one of his favourite things to chew is his bed! He tries to retrieve any object, especially toys and shoes. He has a really remorseful look when he is in trouble and it always melts the heart! He also loves having his photo taken and when he sees a camera strikes the pose.


Benny takes on the Canine Challenge for Teapot Trust

Benny is a 7 year old Labrador. He is the wise old dog, and thinks he is more grown up than the other younger ones. He likes to be quiet, and he loves to have his ears rubbed. Every now and again he will find his playful side with the younger dogs. He likes to sunbathe outside whilst having a snooze, and he is brilliant at jumping over fences.


Jess is also a 7 year Labrador. She is very gentle, but one of the greediest dog you will ever meet. She loves to scavenge, and on a walk, is always off looking for some object - normally something smelly. She especially loves lost gloves, but her best found object was an old bucket!


Sophie is taking on the Canine Challenge for Teapot Trust

Sophie is 10 years old. She is the unique one of the pack. She likes to do her own thing and doesn’t follow the crowd. She has the wildest hairdo most of the year.. apart from once a year when she has a big cut! She loves meeting others and will always say hello to people.


Five year old Oscar loves to swim. He is fascinated by water and loves splashing about. He even chases his own splashes in the water! He has a really good stare where he fixes his eyes on you... he normally manages to get his ears rubbed if he stares for long enough.

You can support the fantastic team Laggan by donating and commenting on their page. A huge thank you to the adorable team and all their supporters. Go Team Laggan!


Team Laggan has done it! After just 7 weeks, this incredible team has completed 407 miles - already 107 miles over their original goal! The all-star team still plans on going til the 10 weeks are up, hoping you will continue to support them in their efforts. Thank you to all of their sponsors so far and well done Team Laggan. 

Nicola and Team Laggan play with their Teapot Trust Frisbees